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Inner Peace

Whenever I seek inner peace, which I think is a basic human need, I go inward and silence the signals from the outer material world. I tune in to the inner world which is a fractal of the vast universe and its unified, connected energy. As Rumi said, you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the universe in a drop. It feels like a privileged window into this vast mystery, and it is inviting us to tap into it whenever we choose.
I lower my mental powers which are always running on full blast, weaving stories and making up conspiracies and what I should have could have would have done in such and such situation; getting triggered by trivial stuff and moping about it for days; worrying to no end about all the tasks that are not completed as if the results are more important than the process. I tap into the peace that “it is what it is” and “it was meant to be that way,” even if it is the saddest or most difficult moment.
As I eliminate language, I enter a pre-language inner world, which I have called, pre-word world. In that world, there are not thoughts just energy. It is a state of utter peace, silence, beauty and surrender.
Initially, I would be able to catch occasional glimpses: opening the shades to see an amazing sunrise or closing the shades as a beautiful sunset graces the horizon; a baby smiling and cooing at its mother; a conversation with intelligent human beings that is captivating and inspiring, etc. With practice, I can summon this inner peace in even a chaotic setting. Before even languaging it, I feel a blessed sense of witnessing magic and beauty. I do not feel compelled to call it anything, but the magic of living.
I think of these moments, when we are closest to the source of all life and creation, as inner peace and contentment. We are tuned in to something wonderful, non-material and indescribable. We are picking up signals from beyond. A breeze blows the veils that hide the Unseen world from us, and we get a quick peak.

Published inInner Peace

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