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The Anatomy of Detachment

Accept, Endure, Embrace, Heal, Pray

On my to do list was to talk to a locksmith to get a key for the door to our garage from the laundry room. I kept chiding myself for not doing it soon enough as the weather is turning colder and wetter this week after a nice long warm stretch in February amazingly. That would be the easy way out. I decided to try one more time to find the key in the house, not knowing where to start. I had made the intention to give it a serious go only yesterday. The magic of intention — I must write about that in my next blog! Lo and behold today I find a small bag with lots of keys and inside it are 2 keys labeled “Garage Door”- it was buried in a box on a cluttered shelf in one of the unused bedrooms. Imagine- a small miracle for me! I took off “see locksmith” from my action list immediately. I am one of those who writes down tasks after I have completed them onto my list, just to get the adrenalin kick of scratching it out! A small victory to take things off my mind and keep my material self going as my soul screams silently.

The things that keep me up at night these days are the hypocrisy and corruption, exploitation and greed, the flagrant violations of universal human rights that are brutally ignored by the West, North, East and South. How is it that we have not achieved the beautiful human potential that we have the capacity for in the 21st century, and are back in the dark times with bombs killing hundreds of children every day for four months already and none of the powerful lifting a finger. Alas!

It is what it is. We are mere witnesses. And yes, the helplessness is terrifying and numbing. Often I cannot go back to sleep until I pray and meditate for an hour or two. Then I end up taking a nap the next afternoon, and it becomes a vicious cycle. Days are short here in North America, so I hate to waste any daylight by being in bed. I decided to work on my detachment from the world around me. I am finding that I am making slow progress, but it is a forward movement with a little help here and there. I decided to use my magnetic poetry to throw some words on my fridge — see my previous post:

The words took a life of their own, floating into the air and into my head and soaking in my being.


The world order is what it is. Things have not changed from Pharaoh’s or Hitler times. It is just musical chairs. No need to compete on victimhood. When you have power, just kill, kill, kill. That’s the 21st century and nothing can be done about it. Just pray you are not in the cross-hairs.


Endure the pain. Your pain is just emotional. Their pain is physical. They are starving. They are dying from powerful bombs. Just endure while you are secure for now. Endure for their souls’ sake. Pray for their souls. Maybe their life of humiliation and indignity had to be put to an end as nobody helped them ever throughout the 100 years war.


Embrace those souls who have a heart, who have mercy, who practice compassion, who build bridges and keep making those bridges wider and longer, that’s all we can do. Embrace them and hold them tight for they are what is true and beautiful. They are love. They are God on Planet Earth.


Heal yourself, heal others, heal with music, meditation, writing, walking in nature, socializing, partying, whatever puts you back in touch with this transient material reality.


Pray for systemic change. Pray for those murdered. Pray for the oppressor even. Pray for the future generations — may they have a heart. May they have compassion. May they be humble. May they love and thrive on “differences” not hate and kill for differences. May they be creative. I was watching a series on AppleTV called 1971- the year music changed everything. It documents how music helped the anti-war movement. As TV showed thousands of dead American soldiers coming home, and black Americans tormented, the music became revolutionary. George Harrison’s concert even put Bangladesh on the map! And it helped end the Vietnam war- another war of the Empire with millions of natives dead. Can music help the change again? I don’t know. I just pray, pray, pray for love and mercy and compassion and reconciliation and justice and truth.

Published in21st century colonialismGlobal ConsciousnessInner PeacePeacebuildingSelf Development

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